111 1min 1sec Everytime i fall i’m going to pick myself up #facts #chinlipo #postivestarttotheday #losangeles #msjasmine699
118 1min 1sec I made it to connecticut on my tour check out my twitter for more deets iammsjasmine699
140 10sec You walk past your dad’s room and see me “vacuuming” the room ️ like if you lurk repost if give me someth
94 5sec It wasn’t fair to put all this ass on that young boy he’ll never be the same i guess i got me a new stepson for life
206 34sec I need to get back to my femdom ways and line you bitches up and fuck you in the ass i’m tired of playing nice
173 8sec Uncoupling from a narcissist is exhausting constantly being gas lit and manipulated #narcissisticex #divorceafter40 #new